Timber Frame
Timber Framing is an Architectural Solution to a Structural Problem, a gravity load-bearing structure that utilizes mortise and tenon joinery connections. In preservation work, Timber Framing utilizes the appropriate scarf and joinery techniques to marry historic and new timbers.
Timber framing allows for participation in the local economy. Timbers and supporting lumber from the region's forests are sourced through local sawmills.
Timber framing allows for participation in the local economy. Timbers and supporting lumber from the region's forests are sourced through local sawmills.

Preservation is the act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of an historic property.

New construction
New Construction is responsibly utilizing local timbers to construct inspiring and functional forms.
“Jack renovated our barn with historic sensitivity and skill that would have made the original builders proud. On careful inspection of the repairs and joinery, it’s clearly the work of a master craftsman. And it was so fun! Jacks’ boundless enthusiasm and energy is infectious. I was amazed at what he got done in a day. Absolutely precise and careful work, finished on time and on budget. We’re grateful to Jack and recommend him wholeheartedly. It’s such a beautiful space now, and we did our part for history.”
"For 33 years I searched for someone who would be interested in saving my old dilapidated barn. One look and the other contractors and builders said “ no.” Jack, on the other hand, spent time looking at the old barn and taking notes- a precursor display of his keen interest and dedication to working with old wood beams and timber. His vision and ability to work through COVID bumps in the road moved the project along. He astounded us with his passion for wood and his talent especially considering the size and weight of the old wood pegged timbers. We could never have imagined that the old barn restored would keep the integrity of the history while looking like art sculpture."

About Jack
Jack grew up in Elizabethtown and the surrounding mountains. An artist and worker, Jack is a craftsman. Jack is always learning and has had many mentors including, but not limited to, timber framers, carpenters, furniture makers, scientists, and potters. Jack enjoys timber framing, as it is the culmination of artistic perfection that he sees as simple, hard work. To Jack, timber framing is simple at its surface, but he draws from his artistic background to make the "measure, cut, fit" form into something with design, layout, and body.
Jack enjoys knocking apart 200 year old barns with large hammers and scarfing in new material. He also enjoys bringing napkin sketches to new timber frame structures.
When thousands of board feet of new timber is delivered, Jack gets excited - it is time to directly apply theory to timber.
Jack enjoys knocking apart 200 year old barns with large hammers and scarfing in new material. He also enjoys bringing napkin sketches to new timber frame structures.
When thousands of board feet of new timber is delivered, Jack gets excited - it is time to directly apply theory to timber.